Magnesium and its benefits
Magnesium is a nutrient that, like all others, is not produced by the body. For this reason, it is necessary to consume foods that offer this nutrient or opt for dietary supplementation.
Its main function is related to the health of bones and cartilage as well as the entire nervous system. In addition to this powerful benefit, it helps in cases of diabetes, in glucose metabolism, in the regulation of insulin and glycemia, and in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), proteins, and amino acids.
The magnesium concentration in a healthy person is about 21 grams to 28 grams of magnesium, distributed over bones (65%), muscles (25%), soft tissues, and body fluids (10%).
Strengthen your body with magnesium-rich foods:
As mentioned, magnesium is not produced by the body and must be supplied through food or dietary supplements. It is important to note that the nutrients and vitamins present in food have lower and lower levels, and may not be enough for our bodies. The main sources of Magnesium are:
Vegetables such as spinach, kale, turnip, and celery;
Dried fruits and seeds such as nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds;
Dark chocolate;
Dairy products;
Fish: mainly sole, mackerel and salmon;
Tubers: potato and sweet potato;
Fruit: banana, apricot, peach, plum, apple, citrus.
Other benefits of Magnesium for your body:
Improves quality of sleep by assisting in the production of melatonin;
Assists in the formation of collagen;
Prevents the appearance of osteoporosis by regulating calcium levels in the body, along with vitamin D, copper, and zinc;
Reduces headaches and migraines;
Decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems.
In addition to the fact that feeding is often not enough to get the right amount of Magnesium, for some people it is even more complicated.
These people are:
- People with diabetes: Magnesium ends up being excreted by the body along with glucose that is not absorbed by the cells;
- People who drink alcohol in large quantities: since the substance prevents the absorption of Magnesium;
- Elderly: with age, the stomach produces less hydrochloric acid, that’s why Magnesium ends up being less absorbed;
- People who do not practice a healthy diet: Magnesium is mainly present in green leaves, so those who avoid these foods are deficient;
- Women who take contraceptives or do hormone replacement;
- People who take laxatives or diuretics, drugs that make this mineral more easily excreted.
Magnesium in Food Supplements:
The natural sources of Magnesium are varied and abundant, so their presence is common in the diet of almost everyone, but in recent years, diets have become less rich in Magnesium as a result of the increased consumption of processed or produced foods. intensive agriculture and a greater deficit of this mineral are noted in most organisms. The solution is the consumption of food supplementation that carries all the benefits for your health, without fear that the consumption of Magnesium is insufficient. Some symptoms reveal if there is a lack of this nutrient in your body, are:
Muscle problems;
Abnormal heart rhythms and coronary spasms;
Hypertension or Arterial Hypotension;
Spasms in the digestive tract (esophagus, stomach, and intestine);
Fatigue and physical tiredness;
Loss of appetite;
Nausea and vomiting;
Changes in the nervous system;
Combine Magnesium with other vitamin and nutrient supplements that are also essential to your health, such as vitamins B6 and B12, Calcium, and Folic Acid.
Sources: https://www.lusiadas.pt/blog/nutricao-dieta/magnesio-para-que-serve-onde-obter;