Mangosteen + Açai 1000ml


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With its super concentrated formula, Mangosteen Açaí Lister + (Mangosteen) is a supplement rich in antioxidants that help fight cell aging and strengthen the immune system. With vitamin B1 present in its composition that contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the heart and the nervous and psychological system.

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Mangostão (Mangosteen) Açaí Lister +



Prevents aging

Increases defenses

Improves the quality of the skin, hair, joints and joints

Protects the heart

Controls sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides

Helps in combating depression and anxiety

Reduce headaches and joint pains

Combat obesity

Helps in the prevention of cancer


What is the mangosteen used for?

O mangostão (mangosteen) serve para ajudar no tratamento de cistite, diarreia, má digestão, eczema, febre, gonorreia, fluxo menstrual irregular e vermes. In addition, it can be used for weight gain.


Antioxidant Properties

Açaí is a food rich in antioxidants that help strengthen your immune system. Thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants (mainly anthocyanins responsible for redness), acai reduces the action of free radicals that are responsible for the acceleration of cellular wear and tear in the whole body. Antioxidant foods are often referred to in the fight against cancer because they help in the fight against cancer cells by aiding in prevention.


Strengthening of the immune system

Açaí contains a substance known as arabinogalactan, responsible for stimulating the work of the body’s defense cells, strengthening our resistance against diseases.


Is Açaí fattening?

Although it is an energetic food rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium and vitamins, when consumed in moderation, acai can help to lose weight. The feeling of satiety is one of the benefits of this food in addition to all the beneficial properties it has for our health.


Each vitamin and mineral present in this supplement has its own function for the immune system, that is why the Mangosteen Açaí Lister + can be placed in a 40 ml cup. inúmeros benefícios para o seu corpo. This supplement has 100% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals present. O Mangostão Açaí Lister + é um suplemento alimentar 100% natural de elevada qualidade que apresenta resultados positivos notórios para o ser humano e tem ajudado milhares de pessoas com inúmeros problemas de saúde ao longo dos anos. Start today to strengthen your immune system and take care of your health.


O mangostão (Garcinia mangostana) é uma fruta tropical castanha-avermelhada oriunda das florestas húmidas do sudoeste asiático conhecida também por “rainha das frutas” por ser um dos alimentos mais ricos em antioxidantes e pela sua enorme capacidade de absorção de radicais livres (30 vezes maior do que a maioria das frutas e vegetais).

It has three main parts: the hard hull, the edible pulp (mild fragrance and sweet flavor) and the seeds (bitter and inedible). The round fruit, with a thick, reddish, slightly spicy flavor, is rich in vitamins A, B12, C and E, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, sodium and zinc. This fruit, unknown until recently, is today highly sought after to combat low immunity and contribute to the maintenance of health.


Açaí is a small red bean with high antioxidant theory and important nutritional properties due to the presence of essential fatty acids omega-6 and 9, calcium, proteins and fiber. The antioxidants present in this food provide benefits such as anti-aging, energy, reduction of cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases, strengthening of the immune system and inhibition of inflammatory processes. A quantidade de fibras presente neste alimento ajuda a melhorar o funcionamento dos intestinos, e o cálcio evita que os ossos fiquem fracos afastando a osteoporose.

It is recommended for physical exercise practitioners due to the high amounts of energy it provides. Together with a balanced diet, moderate consumption of acai does not cause excess weight.


Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen, which is fundamental for the normal functioning of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin and teeth.

It plays an important role in the elimination of free radicals and in increasing energy levels. By increasing the absorption of iron in food, it contributes to the prevention of low hemoglobin. Iron levels in our body are crucial for energy levels. More iron absorption is synonymous with more energy, less fatigue and less fatigue.

The consumption of vitamin C is not directly linked to the fight against anemia, but the increase in the absorption of iron by the body helps, since most cases of anemia are caused by iron deficiency.

When we talk about vitamin C, we cannot forget its importance for the functioning of the nervous system. With its antioxidant action, it prevents damage and brain aging by removing free radicals naturally produced by cellular metabolism and the neuron energy consumption system. Vitamin C can also be an important ally in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, since it is the production of free radicals that causes neuron degeneration.


Quercetin is one of the most abundant flavonoids (compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action) responsible for the medicinal activity of the plants in which it is present. This flavonoid can be found in corn, onion, cabbage, cabbage and other foods. Its beneficial properties are many, highlighting its action in the relief of asthma, in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. As a super-efficient flavonoid, it fights the oxidizing action of free radicals, protecting cells against premature aging. Other benefits are anti-diabetic action, sound control, anti-aging and also in relation to menstruation it reduces colic and spasms.


Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that can be partly ingested through food and a certain amount can be synthesized by the body itself. It protects pancreatic cells and is able to stimulate the uptake of glycemia in muscle, improving insulin sensitivity and helping to control blood glycemia levels. Os níveis baixos de ácido lipóico são observados normalmente em patologias como a diabetes, cirrose ou aterosclerose e nas pessoas de idade mais avançada.

The main benefits are glycemic control, improved cardiovascular function and its neuroprotective properties. This antioxidant can be found in thorns, tomatoes, broccoli, green beans as well as in red meats, even though the amounts present in these foods are too low, so it is advisable to consume it through food supplements.


Zinc is a mineral nutrient, found throughout the body with an important role in metabolic function and in the immune system. It is not a mineral stored by our body, so daily consumption is essential. Dos alimentos fonte de zinco fazem parte o feijão cozido, leite e derivados, amêndoas, amendoins e cajus, carnes vermelhas e de aves.

The benefits of zinc are innumerable: contributes to normal acid-base metabolism, normal carbohydrate metabolism, normal cognitive function, normal DNA synthesis, normal fertility and reproduction, macro-nutrient metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, vitamin A metabolism, normal protein synthesis, maintenance of normal bones, hair, nails and skin, maintenance of normal blood testosterone levels, maintenance of normal vision, normal functioning of the immune system, protection of cells against unwanted oxidation and contributes to the process of cell division. Zinc deficiency can lead to loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea and reduced immune function.


Beta-carotene is a substance responsible for the pigmentation of many fruits and vegetables, also known as carotenoid. When this nutrient is ingested it can be converted into vitamin A or function as an antioxidant, to help protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. 50% of the vitamin A present in our body comes from beta-carotene intake, that is why it is called “pro-vitamin A”, that is, it is a precursor for the production of vitamin A in the body.

In addition to the color it provides to some foods, it is also very important for the health of our body, especially the skin, as it is an antioxidant and precursor of vitamin A, which helps to preserve collagen, increasing the elasticity of the skin. Its consumption also brings benefits for our body’s bones, vision and immunity.


Coenzyme Q10 is a substance that is present in all the cells of our body, helping in the production of energy. It has the effect of capturing free radicals generated by our body that are responsible for the processes of aging. Além de ser produzida pelo organismo, pode também ser encontrada em alimentos como o abacate, amendoins, espinafres, laranja e muitos outros.

Its main benefits are the control of cholesterol, the reduction of free radicals, its antioxidant action and an improvement in the symptoms of depression in people with bipolar disorder. Coenzyme Q10 is an excellent supplement for those who suffer from cardiovascular problems, as it is present in the contraction and relaxation movement of the muscle.


A Tiamina, mais conhecida como vitamina B1, é uma das vitaminas hidrossolúveis do complexo B. A sua ingestão diária é recomendada para manter uma dieta equilibrada uma vez que o nosso organismo armazena apenas quantidades reduzidas desta vitamina.

Thiamine has a very important role in energy metabolism, growth, development and cellular function. It contributes to normal energy metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, normal psychological function and normal functioning of the heart. Tem ainda um ligeiro efeito diurético.

Pork meat, presunto, peas and eggs are some of the foods in which this vitamin can be found. Signs of vitamin B1 deficiency are lack of appetite, obstipation, muscle weakness in the lower limbs, depression and lack of memory.


O ácido fólico muitas vezes conhecido como vitamina B9, participa em várias funções do nosso organismo, principalmente na formação do ADN e no conteúdo genético das células.

Folic acid has very important benefits for our body such as maintaining brain health, preventing anemia, cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer. This vitamin is very important to maintain brain, vascular and immune system health.


Selenium is a micronutrient with several functions in the body. The concentration of selenium in the organism is influenced by the environment and diet. O músculo-esquelético é o principal local de armazenamento deste micro-nutriente e representa cerca de 28 a 46% do selénio no organismo, podendo também ser encontrado no fígado, rins e coração.

This micro-nutrient contributes to normal spermatogenesis, to the maintenance of hair and nails, normal functioning of the immune system, normal thyroid function and protection of cells against undesirable oxidation.


Chromium is a mineral obtained through food that is essential to the functioning of our organism. The functions of chromium are intimately linked to the functions of insulin, but it is important to note that chromium does not replace insulin nor does it stimulate the body to produce greater quantities, but only enhances its action by making it work more effectively. Contribui para o normal metabolismo dos macro-nutrientes e manutenção de níveis normais de glicose no sangue.

Chromium can be consumed through meat and animal fat, fish, coffee, chá and masticated sugar.



Mangosteen Açaí Lister + is a food supplement full of vitamins, nutrients and minerals that help fight anxiety, depression and obesity. The daily intake of this product with reinforced formula helps to improve your immune system, protects your heart and controls sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


If you feel tiredness, joint pain, uncontrolled sugar levels and need to improve the functioning of your body, this is the right product for you. Mangosteen Açaí Lister + has so many benefits for your health that after the first dose you won’t want to give it up.

Ingredients 1,000 ml.
Mangosbao 1,000 mg.
Açaí 600 mg.
Laranjeira 500 mg.
Vitamin C 80 mg.
Quercetin 50 mg.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid 20mg.
Zinco 10 mg.
Beta-carotene 5 mg.
Coenzyme Q10 2.5 mg.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 1.1 mg.
Folic acid (Folate) 200 μg
Selénio 55 μg


Mangosteen 1.000mg; Açaí 600mg; Laranjeira 500mg; Vitamin C 80mg (100%DDR*); Quercetin 50mg; Alpha-Lipoic Acid 20mg; Zinco 10mg (100%DDR*); Beta-carotene 5mg. (100%DDR*); Coenzyme Q10 2,5mg; Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 1,1mg (100%DDR*); Folic Acid (Folate) 200μg (100%DDR*); Selenium 55μg (100%DDR*); Chromium 40μg (100%DDR*); *DDR – Recommended Daily Dose


Bottle with 1.000ml.

How to take

40ml. to a small amount, plain or diluted in a little water. Shake before opening.


Foods with high antioxidant power (mainly of the anthocyanin class) are increasingly used in the prevention of diseases related to metabolic syndrome. Studies have shown that the antioxidant properties present in açaí help to inhibit the effects of oxidative stress that is triggered by free radicals. When there is insufficient capacity to neutralize the excessive production of free radicals, oxidative stress occurs, which contributes to premature aging, cardiovascular disease, obesity, neurodegenerative disease, insulin resistance and immune system dysfunction. The consumption of foods rich in antioxidants helps to prevent the appearance of several diseases, some studies even refer to cancer as one of the diseases that can be prevented with the consumption of antioxidants.

Açaí is considered a functional food with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and anti-aging effects.

Cedrim, P.C.A.S., Barros, E.M.A., Nascimento, T.G. (2018). Antioxidant properties of acai (Euterpe oleracea) in metabolic syndrome, 21

Portinho, J.A., Zimmermann, L.M., Bruck, M.R. (2017) Efeitos Benéficos do Açaí, 5: 15-20.

Weight 1 g


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